P-P-P-Powerbook :


Story told by MyNameIsJeff himself

Story in PDF-format

All of the forum-posts in PDF-format until Evening of may 18th (About 4000 posts, 25MB)

Map of the drop-off place
Photo taken from a plane of the drop-off place
It is done
Starbucks and Smitz makes a trip to the Barbershop
Video of a drop-off from Fed-Ex (suspected to be the P-P-P-Powerbook)
More video from the guy webcam'ing when Fed-Ex arrives
More video of the guy going downstairs
Sign outside
The guy who webcam'ed the drop-off
Modified version of the picture of the barber-shop :)
Some offline messages from Yahoo Messenger on the computers in the Barber shop
"Bombed" version of the shop :)

Actual delivery video
Actual delivery video